Scheduling Technicians - File View

There are two views of the scheduler, by file & by employee. Both are effective in scheduling & dispatching the field team. This will cover instructions on scheduling by file

Access the scheduler by clicking on the schedule tab on the left menu. This will default to the File View menu

This view will give you all open files and their assignments by looking at the technician column. You can utilize this view to ensure that no jobs fall through the cracks. You can view who is assigned to the file within the technician tab.

To assign a technician click the assign icon within the assign column.

 Search & select the technician from the list you would like to assign and click save. Multiple technicians can be assigned to a single file 

Please note: For a user to appear in the technician list they must be assigned the technician role as a part of their profile.

Once assigned they will appear technician column

Technicians can be notified by clicking on the notification icon in the notify column. This will send a push notification within the App

Additional Information:

Dates can be changed with the calendar in the top right corner

The remaining columns are optional when dispatching your crew but are helpful to provide additional information to the field. These can be edited in the table view

Description: Provides additional information regarding the dispatch and any special instructions the team will need upon arrival.

Scratchpad: Quick notes that may change day to day

Type of Visit: This is a drop-down menu with options such as Demo, New Loss, Monitor & more. This is a customizable field by visiting Admin> Configurable

Arrival Time: Time of arrival

Expected Duration: Estimated time needed onsite.