Scheduling Technicians – Calendar View

There are two views of the scheduler: by file & by employee. Both are effective in scheduling & dispatching the field team. This will cover scheduling technicians through the




Viewing the Schedule

Access the scheduler by clicking on the schedule tab on the left menu. This will default to the File View menu. To view the by employee or calendar view click on the by employee tab.

You have a number of views available to you such as day, week week etc.

Timeline view will also give you an alternative option to view your teams’ schedules

Within the settings menu you can customize the file types, employees, and work week. These settings will save until altered under your profile.

Adding a new events

Unlike the file view, the calendar view gives you the option to add events that are not tied to a job such as out-of-office events and sales activities. These as well as job scheduling can be added to the calendar

To add a new event click + Job Event or simply click on the calendar under the employee and time you would like to schedule the event. A pop-up will appear where you will be prompted to add a title. For non-job-related events simply type the name of the event and click save.

For job related events click on more details which will bring up a simple form where you will be able to fill out additional information utilizing the drop-down menus. Items such as ‘Type of Visit’ & ‘Description’ will appear within the Xcelerate App as resources for your technicians.

Once complete click Save.


Once an event has been saved to notify your technician click on the event and then the notification icon