File View Navigation

The File View is very powerful to be able you to view important details about your open jobs streamlining your processes. With a few clicks, you can customize your view to see information that vital to your roll



The file view is a very powerful view of all the open jobs at the company. It is highly customizable to each person depending on their roll. Take note of a few of the options within the view.

My vs All Tabs: Toggle between these to see all files, all open files & files that are only assigned to you. All files will include closed files.

Arrangeable Columns: columns can be arranged by clicking and dragging to reorder. If a column is dragged left of the bold vertical line it will remain in place when scrolling to the right.

Dynamic Cells: Some cells such as Docusketch, Matterport. Notes, Scratchpad & Scratchpad allow for updates with I the file view layout.

Sorting & Filtering: each column can be searched or filtered as desired. Clicking on a column header will sort by ascending/descending order.



By default, all possible columns are turned on. This is customizable by clicking on the columns bar on the right side of the table.

Once clicked you can view all of the possibilities to customize your file view. As a best practice, you can uncheck all the column options and add columns as they pertain to your role at the company.


Feel free to adjust as needed!



  • Age in Current Status
  • Balance Owing
  • Date Invoiced
  • Total Invoice
  • Days since last activity
  • Scratch Pad
  • Scratch Pad Date


  • Age in current status
  • Created Date
  • Days since last Activity
  • Date of loss
  • Estimate Approved
  • GP % (Estimate)
  • GP % (Invoice)
  • Gross Profit (Estimate)
  • Gross Profit (Invoice)
  • Notes
  • Referred By
  • Total Cost
  • Total Invoice
  • Work Authorization



  • Arrived Onsite
  • Date of Loss
  • Days since Last Activity
  • Estimate
  • Estimate Approved
  • Estimate Uploaded
  • File Age
  • GP % (Estimate)
  • GP % (Invoice)
  • Gross Profit (Estimate)
  • Gross Profit (Invoice)
  • Insurance company
  • Self Pay
  • Total Cost
  • Total Invoice
  • Work Authorization